Marjon Law - Specialist Employment Lawyers

                 0333 5330606


Bar Standards Board



Marjon Law aims to provide high-quality advice and excellent client care.

We welcome any suggestions that you might wish to make to help us improve our service.

We recognise that, on occasion, things can go wrong. To raise a concern or make a complaint about our services or an invoice, (please in the first instance) raise it with Marc Jones, director of Marjon Law. which As a BSB regulated entity, Marjon Law will deal with complaints within the BSB Code of Conduct Rules C99-C109, can be found at handbook.html?part=&audience=&q=complaints+procedure


If you are not happy with our response to a complaint, then you can contact the Legal Ombudsman. The Legal Ombudsman is a free, impartial and independent service set up by the Government, which deals with complaints about the service you have received.


You must complain to the Ombudsman within 6 months of receiving a final response to your complaint from us (provided the response specifically notifies you of your right to complain to the Ombudsman and of the 6-month time limit).

A complaint to the Ombudsman must also be made not more than 6 years after the act or omission complained about or not more than three years from the date when you should reasonably have known that there were grounds for complaint.


For further details about how to make a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman, please contact the Legal Ombudsman directly at:


Legal Ombudsman

PO Box 6806



0300 555 0333 

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